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Signs of Excessive Masturbation

Masturbation might not be a completely bad habit but as the saying goes, “too much of everything is bad.” Masturbation on its own when done moderately helps solve a lot of issues including: mood swings, stress, sleep problems, etc. About 40% of women and 60% of men are reported to masturbate daily. Although there are several myths surrounding this sexual act, there are no side effects to masturbating. However, when done excessively, it could result in mental health issues. In this article, we will look at the various signs of too much masturbation.

Benefits of masturbation

There are several benefits of masturbation that have been reported by studies and research. Some of these benefits include stress relief, improved mood, and better sleep. Masturbation can also help to increase body awareness and improve sexual satisfaction. Some research has found that masturbation can boost immune function, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and increase fertility.

How does masturbation reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

Studies have shown that regular ejaculation, through either sex or masturbation, can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. It’s believed that this is because ejaculation helps to clear out toxins and old cells from the prostate, which may reduce the risk of cancer. Additionally, regular ejaculation has been linked to higher levels of a protein called PSA, which can help to detect prostate cancer early on. It’s important to note that these studies have found an association, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.

One study that found a link between ejaculation and reduced prostate cancer risk was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003. This study followed over 30,000 men for eight years and found that those who ejaculated more frequently had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Another study, published in the European Urology journal in 2004, found similar results. In addition to the scientific evidence, some health organizations have also acknowledged the potential link between ejaculation and prostate cancer risk.

How many times should I masturbate daily?

there is no “normal” or “right” amount of masturbation. Everyone is different, and what’s healthy for one person may not be healthy for another. It’s also worth noting that masturbation is a perfectly healthy and normal part of life.

When does masturbation become too much?

If someone is experiencing physical or emotional distress as a result of their masturbation habits, it may be time to reevaluate those habits. That said, signs that someone may be overdoing it can vary from person to person. Some common signs include excessive fatigue, sexual dysfunction, or negative changes in mood or behavior. If someone is experiencing any of these symptoms, they should consider talking to a healthcare professional or therapist for guidance:

  • Excessive fatigue can be a sign that you are overdoing it. This is because masturbation can take a lot of energy, both physical and emotional.
  • If you feel exhausted after masturbation, it may be a sign that they are not taking enough time for rest and relaxation.
  • Sexual dysfunction can be a sign that someone is overdoing it. This can include issues like erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, or lack of interest in sexual activity.
  • Too much masturbation can also cause changes in mood and behavior.
  • Another sign that you may be overdoing it is if they are experiencing negative feelings like guilt, shame, or anxiety around their masturbation habits. If you are experiencing these feelings, it may be a sign that they are not in a healthy relationship with masturbation.
  • If you are having trouble functioning in their everyday life because of their masturbation habits, this can also be a sign that they are overdoing it. This can include difficulty concentrating, irritability, or avoidance of social situations.

Myths about masturbation

There are many myths and misconceptions about masturbation. One of the most common myths is that masturbation is harmful or dangerous. This is not true – masturbation is a normal and healthy activity that can have many benefits.

Another myth is that masturbation can cause blindness, infertility, or mental health problems. These claims have been disproven by research and are not based on scientific evidence.

Other myths include the idea that masturbation causes hair loss, or loss of sexual desire. Again, these claims are not backed by scientific evidence.

Does masturbation cause reduced testosterone levels?

It’s true that testosterone levels can temporarily decrease after ejaculation. However, this does not mean that masturbation directly causes a decrease in testosterone levels. Instead, the decrease is likely due to the body’s natural process of replenishing semen and sperm. Once the body has replenished these fluids, testosterone levels typically return to normal. So, while it’s true that there may be a temporary decrease in testosterone levels after ejaculation, this does not mean that masturbation causes a decrease in testosterone levels in the long term.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that testosterone levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and overtime. So, it’s not possible to say definitively whether or not masturbation causes a prolonged decrease in testosterone levels.

NOTE: while it’s true that masturbation does not have any direct effect on testosterone level, excessive sex and chronic masturbation leads to excessive ejaculation which causes loss of vigor and vitality. This can cause reduced testosterone levels.

Your Wellness Is Our Concern At Fekomi Wellness

Are you suffering from sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction, premature (delayed) ejaculation, and low libido? Fekomiherbals has the ultimate solution.

Also, our team of highly qualified and certified healthcare consultants at Fekomi wellness are always ready and happy to help you with your health concerns. Visit Fekomi wellness today to book an appointment and get started on your health journey. Kindly call our desk line on +2349074197154 for more enquiries.


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