When was the last time your partner “went down” on you? Okay, let me rephrase the question. When was the last time you were given a “squirt-triggering” head?
Oral sex has got to be the most exciting part of foreplay. I mean, who doesn’t want to be licked to vibration? Who doesn’t want to be sucked and transported to cloud 9 in a mind blowing ‘blow job?’ you want that right now, huh? How about a ‘69’ tonight? LoL. Most people actually have their best orgasm from it.
I know it’s fun and all that but hey, let’s get to the nitty-gritty before you pounce on that pussy or hop on that cock.
Overview of Oral Sex
Oral sex, which is also referred to as fellatio (stimulation of the penis) or cunnilingus (stimulation of the vagina), or anilingus (stimulation of the anus), is a pleasurable way of stimulating your partner’s genitals before penetration. The beauty of it is that you can both reach your maximum pleasure with just oral sex if you do not want to go deep. However, as pleasurable as it is, if it’s not done right or if you do not follow the dos and don’ts, it can lead to a few complications.
Contrary to general belief, oral sex is not in any way a ‘safer sex.’ it probably would have been if there was no risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The only advantage it has over penile-vagina sex is that there is no risk of getting pregnant.
Examples Of STIs That Can Be Contracted From Oral Sex

Human papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is a viral infection that causes warts in different parts of the body, cancer depending on the strain. It is the root cause of cervical cancer in women. The strains of human papillomavirus that cause genital warts are HPV 1 and HPV 2. Sadly, HPV is incurable although in most cases, it can go away on its own within two years. If you have oral sex with an infected person, you are at the risk of contracting the infection. If you contract genital warts through oral sex., you can treat them with antiviral drugs, surgery, or herbal medications.
Gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis A, B, and C
Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis B and C can be passed on when the body comes in contact with infected bodily fluid. Hepatitis A is a gut infection which can be contracted through contact with the faeces of an infected person. If you lick or touch the anus during oral sex, you may be at the risk of hepatitis A if your partner is infected.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Although the risk of contracting HIv through oral sex is low, not when you have cuts or sores (in your mouth, penis, or vagina), bleeding gum, or mouth contact with menstrual blood.
READ MORE ON The 5 most sexually transmitted disease in Nigeria.
This infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus. It causes blisters and cold cold sores in the genitals or any other part of the body. If your partner has oral herpes (cold sores around the mouth) or genital herpes, it can be passed on to your mouth during oral sex.
This can be passed on with direct contact with syphilis sores during oral sex. If left untreated, it can pose a serious threat but the good news is that it can be cured if the right treatment is applied. Syphilis symptoms coe in three stages: a single sore which is often painless, a rash, sores, or both, and damage to the organs which can result in death in later stages.
Shigella gastroenteritis
Men who have sex with fellow men are at higher risk of this infection. Shigellosis is an infection of the bowel which is caused by the bacteria present in infected faeces.
How to reduce the risk of oral sex
You can minimize the risk of oral sex by taking the following measures:
Before going down on your partner, check if your partner has any of the following. If they do, avoid oral sex at all costs. Ensure you do not have any of them also:
- Ulcers, cuts or sores, warts or rashes around the genitals, anus, lips, or mouth.
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Has throat infection
- If your partner is a woman, avoid oral sex if she’s menstruating.
How to protect yourself during oral sex
- Wear a condom if you are a man before oral sex.
- Ensure you have an oral dam on (also known as female dam or dental dam) if you are a woman before oral sex.
Treatment for STIs
Treatment methods for STIs depend on the cause (virus or bacteria). Treatment could require antiviral or antibacterial medications or sometimes, surgery. Herbal medicines can also be a better option in some cases. However, you should know that some STIs (f HIV and HPV) do not have cure.
Fekomi Products For The treatment And Cure Of STIs
Wart Solution (for genoital warts, genital herpes, and skin tags)
3 in one permanent cure ( for genital warts, skin tags, genital herpes, and general body detoxification)
Terminator (for acute and chronic STIs and UTI)
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