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STI and UTI terminator

Terminator is a pure herbal medicine produced by Fekomi herbal for the treatment of acute and chronic STIs (including yeast infection, gonorrhea and syphilis) and UTI. this herbal tea for UTI and STI is well formulated with the combination of four medicinal herbs which have been proven to be effective in the treatment and cure of sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections as a result of their antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. 


This herbal medicine  for STI and UTI is in powder form and dark yellow in color.


Salvia officinalis (20%)

Salvia rosmarinus (20%)

Ocimum basilicum (20%)

Curcuma (40%)

How To Use Terminator Powder

Scoop 2 spoonful of terminator powder into your mouth and digest with 10 ml of water. This medicine is to be taken twice daily.

Interaction With Conventional Medicines And Other Substances

Although the interaction of this herbal medicine with conventional drugs and other substances is minimal, care should still be taken while using the medicine. If you notice any reactions or discomfort, call for medical help immediately.


  • Do not combine this medicine with alcohol
  • Avoid taking this drug with conventional medicines so as not to trigger any interaction which can lead to other health issues.
  • Take this herbal medication only as directed.


Store terminator herbal powder in a cool and dry place.

About The Ingredients

 Salvia officinalis

If you have never used this plant as one of your culinary ingredients, you are missing out on a lot.  This plant is also called common sage, garden sage, among other names. Not many people are aware that apart from its culinary use, common sage has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries.


This plant’s botanical name, salvia, is derived from the Latin word ‘salvare’ meaning to cure. Sage, as a powerful antioxidant, is used in the treatment of several infections including sexually transmitted diseases. It has several healing properties, it’s even thought to strengthen the memory and promote wisdom.

Salvia rosmarinus

What comes to your mind whenever you see a rosemary plant? Do you know that rosemary plant is not only good for your cosmetics? I know you love to use it as a flavoring agent in your foods but the benefits of rosemary plants do not end there.

As a member of the sage family, rosemary plant also has high antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which makes it very effective in the treatment of infections and other ailments.

Ocimum basilicum

This plant is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae) and it’s  believed to be native to india. It’s commonly called sweet basil. it has been found to be very effective in the treatment of STI and UTI

Apart from its aromatic property, it’s also used as medicinal herb for the treatment of various diseases.


When was the last time you used turmeric and for what purpose? Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin which has inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, among other benefits. This is why it’s traditionally used in Asian countries and in many parts of the world as medicinal herbs.


Click here to order your Terminator

Need to speak with a healthcare consultant?

You may not find it comfortable to discuss your sexual health and genitals with a healthcare physician but you have got nothing to be embarrassed about. Getting therapy as soon as possible will help you feel better, so don’t put it off.

Book an appointment with a certified healthcare consultant at Fekomiwellness today and begin your wellness journey. Kindly call our desk line on +2349074197154 for more enquiries.

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