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9 Tips To Better Improve Men’s Sexual Health

How do you define sex?

A lot of couples see sex as just a bodily activity driven by hormones. However, it is important to know that a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health are all connected to sex. Oxytocin (a hormone produced by the brain, which the pituitary gland then releases into the bloodstream to make childbirth easier) is released during each orgasm, which elevates your mood. Men are advised to take care of their sexual health and avoid issues before they arise.

Here are 9 tips that will better improve your sexual health

1. Eat A Balanced Diet

Your effectiveness in the bedroom may be impacted by what you consume. You may maintain your sexual health by consuming a diet high in nutrients and low in fat. Aim for a balanced diet rich in lean meat cuts, fresh produce, whole grains, and low-fat milk.

2. Understand how to handle stress

Stress is one of the major causes of sexual dysfunctions. You feel worn out,  tense, anxious, and uneasy as a result of stress. Learning and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing whenever you are stressed out will be a big help.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise boosts libido and self-esteem. However, you need to know which exercise suits you better. Consult with your doctor if you are confused.

4. Apply lubricants

Lubricants can help you move more freely and have more fun during sexual activity. Did you know that there are numerous varieties of lubricants available for various uses? These include the ones that are ideal for “solo” activities and the ones that are ideal if your partner wants to become pregnant. Lubricants can aid in reducing the risk of infection by reducing tears.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking is a substantial contributor to male sexual dysfunction. According to studies, the majority of men who experience erectile dysfunction also smoke. Studies have confirmed that smoking lowers sperm quantity and quality. It impairs the tiny blood vessels that supply the penis, making it occasionally challenging to keep an erection.

6. Do kegel exercises regularly

Kegels are not exclusively for men, though. The muscles that attach the tailbone to the base of the penis are strengthened through kegel exercises. These muscles work to regulate the urethral fluid flow. Kegels teach you how to delay ejaculation to intensify orgasms. Try stopping the flow of pee to find the muscles and tighten them. After a brief period of holding the muscles contracted, release them.

7. Visit your healthcare provider annually

It’s no secret that many men dislike visiting the doctor, but if you want to keep your health in control, you should get a physical at least once a year. Any queries you have can be addressed by your doctor. It’s crucial to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) if you start sleeping with a new partner or have more than one partner.

8. Reduce alcohol consumption

Consuming a large amount of alcohol increases your likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction. Alcohol may diminish inhibition, which makes you feel sexier, but it also lowers libido, causes erectile dysfunction, and can make it more difficult to climax.

9. Avoid using illicit substances

Some men use illicit drugs to get high in the hopes that it will improve their sexual experience. Drugs, however, typically have the opposite effect on the cause. Don’t use medicines to avoid erectile dysfunction. Be warned that some prescription medications can also lead to problems.

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