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Orgasm Disorder – Why you can’t reach orgasm

Many people believe that orgasm is one sure way to show that you are having the best moment of your life during any coital activity. Some say it is proof that your partner is hitting or touching the right spot, thereby giving you the right feeling. However, the truth is that not everyone will experience an orgasm. Some men and women have never reached climax. There is no one “right” way to experience an orgasm. Everyone is different, and what one person finds pleasurable may be different from what another person finds pleasurable. With that said, let’s talk about what orgasm disorder is and some of the potential causes.

What is orgasm disorder?

Orgasm disorder is defined as difficulty achieving orgasm, despite being sexually aroused. The difficulty with achieving orgasm may be lifelong or acquired. Lifelong orgasm disorder refers to someone who has never been able to achieve orgasm. Acquired orgasm disorder refers to someone who has previously been able to achieve orgasm, but is now having difficulty doing so.

Causes of orgasm disorder

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to orgasm disorder. These include

Physical factors

  • Medications, like antidepressants, and blood pressure medicines can cause orgasm disorder as a side effect.
  • Certain medical conditions, like diabetes or multiple sclerosis, can also make it more difficult to achieve orgasm.
  • Some people may have difficulty achieving orgasm due to a lack of sexual knowledge or experience.
  • Certain physical or surgical changes, like childbirth, breastfeeding, or pelvic surgery, can also cause orgasm disorder.
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • surgeries such as chemotherapy
  • Menopause

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Psychological factors

  • Stress can make it difficult to relax and be present during sexual activity.
  • Depression or anxiety can make it more difficult to focus on pleasure during sex.
  • Poor body image (If a person feels self-conscious about their body, it can be hard to let go and be in the moment).
  • Lack of communication between partners (If a person is not able to communicate their needs and desires to their partner, it can be difficult to have a satisfying sexual experience).
  • Sexual abuse (a history of sexual abuse can make it difficult to achieve orgasm).
  • Sexual guilt
  • Lack of trust or intimacy between partners

There is no one “right” way to experience orgasm. It’s important to communicate with your partner, take care of your physical and mental health, and be open to exploring your sexuality. Remember that orgasm is not the only goal of sexual activity. Even if you don’t experience orgasm, you can still enjoy the pleasure and intimacy that come with being with your partner.

Know that it’s perfectly normal to experience difficulty achieving orgasm at some point in your life. If you’re concerned about your sexual health, it’s always best to talk to your doctor or a sex therapist. There are many options available to help you improve your sexual health and satisfaction.

Common treatments for orgasm disorder

The first step in treating orgasm disorder is usually to address any physical or psychological issues that may be contributing to the problem. For example, if a medication is causing the issue, the doctor may recommend changing or stopping the medication. Or, if anxiety or depression is the cause, therapy or counseling may be recommended.

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