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Aspermia, What To Know About It

“My boyfriend never ejaculates whenever we have sex. Could it be that I’m not sexually satisfying? What can I do, please?”

The above was a question a young lady asked me some time ago and I could understand her worry. The truth is that a lot of people are going through this and constantly blaming themselves for their partners inability to function well in bed. If you are in this situation, I want you to know that your man’s sexual functions or dysfunctions have nothing to do with you. However, if you feel there’s emotional disconnection between you and your partner, you might want to talk this out with him outside the bedroom. Let him know you know how he feels and you are ready to help him go through it all.

The inability of a man to ejaculate occurs as a result of a sexual dysfunction known as aspermia. This is one of the major causes of infertility in men.

About Aspermia

Aspermia is a sexual dysfunction characterized by complete absence of semen. This means that the volume of semen is zero and hence, semen analysis may not be possible. Please note that aspermia is different from azoospermia which is the complete absence of sperm. This does not mean that a man cannot get a full erection and have normal sexual intercourse and orgasm. Aspermia which can also be referred to as dry ejaculation can occur due to anejaculation or retrograde ejaculation, or ejaculatory duct obstruction.


Retrograde Ejaculation

This is also known as dry orgasm and it occurs when the urine bladder neck fails to close, resulting in backward ejaculation of sperm into the urinary bladder rather than forward. This is diagnosed based on orgasm history but no ejaculation which is then confirmed by post-ejaculatory urine analysis. A high concentration of sperm in the urine shows issues with the bladder neck sphincter. However, sperm from urine may be collected and utilized in artificial reproduction procedures (ART) to fertilize eggs and create embryos. The Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration method is typically employed in males with retrograde ejaculation to harvest sperm for use in ART (assisted reproduction techniques).


Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction (EDO)

Ejaculatory duct obstruction is a condition in which one or both ejaculatory ducts are blocked. There are two types of EDO: complete EDO (complete blockage in both ejaculatory ducts) and partial EDO (complete blockage in one ejaculatory duct or partial blockage in both ducts). This condition can be surgically corrected but if there is zero sperm production in the testes, it can lead to infertility. However, fertilization can be achieved through artificial reproduction.


Symptoms Of Aspermia



cloudy urine after intercourse

blood in the urine

Pain in scrotum

Urinary pain

Genital pain

Other symptoms vary depending on the underlying health condition.


Diseases associated with aspermia are:

ejaculatory duct obstruction


retrograde ejaculation


Oligospermia (low sperm count)


Risk Factors

If you are suffering from any of the following health conditions, you may be at risk of having aspermia:

Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland)

congenital diseases


multiple sclerosis

testicular trauma

parkinson disease

spinal cord injuries

partial blocking to the urethra

sexually transmitted diseases


Some therapies or treatment including: prostate, abdomen, or bladder surgery to the prostate, prostate cancer treatment.


 Treatment For Aspermia

Aspermia can be treated with the use of åntibiotics to treat urinary tract infections, surgery to fix the obstruction and assisted reproductive therapy (ART) in case medications and surgery fail.

Aspermia can also be treated with the use of herbs.


You might wish to book an appointment with a certified healthcare consultant at Fekomi Wellness today and begin your treatment journey with Fekomi herbals.

Our SPERM BOOSTER (with NAFDAC registration number A7-100283L) contains herbs that are well formulated to improve sperm quality and quantity. With lots of positive feedback from our various  clients across the globe, you can be optimistic that our products, which are NAFDAC CERTIFIED, will give you the maximum desired result .

For further enquiries, kindly call our desk line on +2349074197154

You can also follow our social media page on instagram @fekomi , twitter @fekomiherbals

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