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Is Erectile Dysfunction Impotence?


Erectile dysfunction which can also be referred to as impotence is the inability of a man to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sex.
Having erectile dysfunction might not necessarily be a problem but if it continues for a long time, it could take a toll on your relationship and result in mental hea​​​lth problems. It may also be difficult for your partner to get pregnant. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction tend to lack self confidence and are often stressed out. ED can occur as a result of an underlying health condition such as diabetes and heart problems.
It may not be easy to talk about our erectile dysfunction as it may look embarrassing but not talking about it can worsen the situation. Speak with your primary healthcare provider for professional advice.

What Are The Symptoms Of Erectile Dysfunction

ED symptoms might include constant:
Inability to maintain an erection

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a combination of mental and health factors. ED could be a result of problems with the hormonal system, nervous system, and vascular system.

Health Conditions That Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

The following underlying health conditions can cause erectile dysfunction:
– Heart and blood vessel disease
– High blood pressure
– Atherosclerosis (Clogged blood vessels)
– High cholesterol
– Type 2 diabetes
– multiple sclerosis (a common disabling neurological disease)
– Obesity
– Peyronie’s disease (a noncancerous condition caused by fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved and painful erections.
– Injury to the spinal cord, penis,, bladder, pelvis, or prostate
– Parkinson’s disease (a central nervous system disorder that affects movements)
– Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate (such as prostate surgery and radiation therapy)
– Bladder cancer surgery
– Metabolic syndrome ((a large number of health conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes, and heart disease)).

Taking the following prescription medications can also increase our risk of having erectile dysfunction:
– blood pressure medications
– medications used for prostate cancer therapy
– prescription sedatives or tranquilizers
– Medications that make you less hungry
– ulcer medicines
– Antidepressants (medications for depression)

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

– Having low self-esteem
– Stress (about sexual performance, relationship or life in general)
– fear of sexual failure
– Anxiety and depression
– Feeling guilty about having sex

Other Risk Factors Include:
– Age: developing or sustaining an erection may become difficult as you age.
– Use of drugs such as tobacco and other illegal drugs
– Alcohol addiction
– Smoking

How To Prevent and treatment Erectile Dysfunction

You can prevent erectile dysfunction by living a healthy lifestyle and managing any underlying health condition. Exercise regularly and relieve yourself of any stress.

Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

If your ED is caused by an underlying health condition, treating the health condition can get rid of the erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be cured with the right medication or therapy.

Erectile Dysfunction Care At Fekomi Wellness

Our caring team of Fekomi wellness experts can help you with your health concerns. Visit Fekomi Wellness for men’s health to get started. Kindly call our desk line on +2349074197154 for more enquiries.
Fekomi Herbal Products For Erectile Dysfunction
The following are the range of carefully formulated herbal medicines for erectile dysfunction at Fekomi herbals:
Smackdown Tea (to be used whenever you need an erection)
Knockout tea: this is a permanent cure herbal medication for erectile dysfunction.
Enhancement Tea: this is also a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction.


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