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Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Treatment

Dan is worried that his girlfriend might end up breaking up with him because of his sexual dysfunction. He has been suffering from premature ejaculation for almost a year.


What Is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature or quick ejaculation is when a man orgasms before or earlier than a minute after penetration. Although there is no particular set time for a man to ejaculate during sex but if you cum and lose your erection too early, you may be suffering from premature ejaculation.
Quick ejaculation can be very frustrating and embarrassing especially if you have a partner who is sexually active. You may not need to worry if it only happens occasionally as it’s a common sexual issue in men but it becomes a problem if it continues for a long time. Statistics have shown that between 30% to 40% of men have it at some point in their life.

Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

Although the exact cause of PE is still unknown, your brain chemistry may play a role. Premature ejaculation can be caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain.
Emotional factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, sexual repression (having negative thoughts about sex), constant worry about sexual performance, relationship issues, low confidence or body image, and guilt can all contribute to quick ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation can also be caused by the following conditions:
Genes inherited from parents
Neurotransmitter imbalances (neurotransmitters are substances in the brain that send messages to other regions of the body)
Hormonal imbalances, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate or urethra).
Premature ejaculation can sometimes be a problem for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. This is because men who constantly worry about losing their erection may develop a habit of hurrying to ejaculate, which can be difficult to quit. In this scenario, treating erectile dysfunction may make the premature ejaculation disappear.
Diagnosis for premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation problems are easily self diagnosable. However, you might need to see your doctor for proper diagnosis, possible cause and the treatment method.

How Do I Treat Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation treatment depends on the cause of the problem. For instance, if the PE is caused by emotional problems, you might be referred to a mental health specialist. If your case requires medications, medicines such as viagra, cialis, levitra, Stendra, antidepressants, anesthetic creams or spray may be prescribed for you.
Behavioral Techniques That Can Help Control Premature Ejaculation
The following techniques may help some men to be in control of their orgasm:
Pause-squeeze Technique: this involves stimulating your penis until you feel like ejaculating then you and your partner can squeeze the tip of your penis for some seconds. Keep squeezing until the urge to orgasm disappears.
Stop-start Technique: this means you should stop sexual stimulation when you are almost ready to orgasm then wait till you no longer feel the urge to ejaculate before starting again.
Muscle Strengthening: strengthen your weak pelvic floor muscles by doing some kegel exercises. You can find the right muscles to tighten by stopping the flow of your urine midstream. Hold back for like 3 seconds and then release them for 3 seconds. Repeat this 10 times for at least 3 times daily. It’s not advisable to do this for a long as it can be harmful to your bladder.
Wearing A Condom: having a condom on during intercourse desensitizes you and makes you last longer.
Can Herbal Medicines Cure Premature Ejaculation?
In the olden days, several herbs were used to treat various illnesses. Some of these herbs include: ginseng, garlic, turmeric, etc and till today, some of these herbs have been proved to be effective in the treatment and cure of sexual dysfunctions. This is to say that we cannot ignore the important role herbal medicines have been playing in the life of both men and women.

Fekomi Delay Ejaculation

The Fekomi Delay ejaculation which comes in the form of spray and gummies is a well formulated herbal medicine manufactured by Fekomiherbals to help men in delaying ejaculation during intercourse. It’s to be taken every time you want to have sex and you desire to last longer.

Premature Ejaculation Complications

About 80% of men suffering from premature ejaculation are faced with relationship issues. Some have had broken relationships because their partners couldn’t cope while a lot of couples have had to divorce because they were no longer sexually compatible. Worse is the fact that premature ejaculation may be the cause of childlessness in some homes. These are the reasons premature ejaculation cannot be said to be a minor problem.
Need to speak with a health consultant?
Book an appointment with a certified health consultant at Fekomiwellness today and begin your wellness journey. Kindly call our desk line on +2349074197154 for more enquiries. Click here to order our Fekomi Delay Spray and Fekomi Delay Gummies.

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